Is the Filing of a Proof of Claim For a Discharged Debt a Violation of the Discharge Injunction?


Affirming In re McLean, 2013 WL 5963358 (Bankr. M.D. Ala. Nov. 8, 2013), the district court held that the bankruptcy court did not err in ruling that a mortgage creditor’s filing a proof of claim for an unsecured deficiency judgment debt that had been discharged in the debtors’ prior bankruptcy case violated the discharge injunction issued in that case, and awarding actual damages for emotional distress in the amount of $25,000, attorney’s fees in the amount of $18,355, and a coercive sanction in the amount of $50,000. McLean v. Greenpoint Credit LLC, — B.R. —-, 2014 WL 4207629 (M.D. Ala. Aug. 25, 2014), appeal filed, Green Point Credit v. McLean, Case No. 14-14002 (11th Cir. filed Sept. 4, 2014) (case no. 1:13-cv-925).

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