When you file for BANKRUPTCY IN MICHIGAN there are 3 things that you never do: 1. Never lie. – tell the truth – fraud in
Category: Bankruptcy & Student Loan Relief
Although domestic support obligations and property settlements are non-dischargeable in Chapter 7, property settlement debts are dischargeable in Chapter 13. Settlement agreement language can help
In Horny (E.D. Mich 2011), Judge Ludington ruled that not all contract interest rates can be crammed down to the Till rate. Ludington held that
In Mobley (Bank. E.D. Mich. 2011), the court held that a fully exempted pre-petition personal injury award cannot be included as part of the disposable
The Court in Connor (E.D. Mich. 2012) recently addressed the issue and concluded that prospective amounts do not have to be included in a DMI
Here is a summary of the important Bankruptcy Cases before the US Supreme Court: In re Puffer, No. 11-1831 (1st Cir.) Issue: Whether chapter 13
Michigan Bankruptcy and 1040 Income Taxes. Yes, provided the 5 following rules are met: 1. The taxes at issued must be 1040 Income Taxes. Taxes