Under the provisions of Bankruptcy Code amendments of 2005, you are required to provide a copy of your tax return to any creditor who requests
The Next Financial Crisis Is Upon Us For many, a college education is one very important part of achieving the American dream. Post-graduate degrees have
In re Ragos, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that a Chapter 13 debtor’s Social Security income is not included in the debtor’s projected disposable
In a decision that conflicts with a recent Western District of Michigan Bankruptcy Court, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in Anderson v.
I am amazed at some of the numbers I see in student loan debt. And – to a person – the school never told the
Don’t get tricked by the latest scam developed by unscrupulous shills for the pay day loan and cash advance scum bags. Here is the set
“Undue hardship” is the standard that CHAPTER 7 & CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY Judges must determine in order to discharge your STUDENT LOANS. Here are some examples