Applicable Law and Rules. Generally, the court will grant the debtor a discharge of all debts provided for by the chapter 13 plan or disallowed
Month: February 2015
Applicable law & procedure. After confirmation of the chapter 13 plan, the court may grant a discharge to a debtor that has not completed payments
As reported on , nearly two years after NCLC filed their initial request, the NCLC is finally able to close the file on their
Yes. Cracks are starting to appear in the armor that traditionally protected public pensions. As reported by the ABI – First in Detroit, then in
As reported by the ABI Fifteen former students announced on Monday that they’d had enough of their student loan debt debacle and were going on
Yes. As reported by Valerie P. Morrison and Dylan G. Trache of Nelson Mullins Riley and Scarborough LLP (Washington, D.C.) in the ABI Bankruptcy Brief,